by Dr. Jockers:

  1. Follow the Advanced Nutrition Plan:  Utilize the Cellular Healing Diet by avoiding grains/sugars/fruit and loading up on good fats, proteins, and non-starchy vegetables.

2.      Load up on Probiotics:  Good gut bacteria will compete with the fungal infection for nutrition and space inside the body.  Probiotics naturally secrete anti-fungal factors that destroy and inhibit Candida.  I recommend over 100 billion organisms daily.

3.      Use Raw Garlic:  One of the world’s most powerful anti-fungals.   Garlic contains many different substances with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, including allicin, alliin, alliinase and S-allylcysteine.   Due to the variety of substances, Candida will not develop a resistance to it like it does with many pharmaceutical drugs.   Chop garlic up and add it to food or use garlic capsules.

4.      Use Coconut Oil:  The medium chain saturated fat within coconut oil has incredible anti-fungal factors that destroy Candida.  The major fighters include caprylic, mystic, and lauric acid.  Eat 3 Tbsp of coconut oil daily and put this oil on your skin.

5.      Oregano Oil:  One of the most powerful anti-oxidants and anti-fungals.  Use 3 drops of Oregano Oil or a tsp of Oregano Terrain in a glass of water 2-3x daily.

6.      SuperGreens Powder:  High chlorophyll foods help to alkalize, cleanse, and purify the body.  The alkalizing affect will naturally destroy Candida.  Take 2-3 Tbsp of supergreens in water daily for best results.

7.      Colloidal Silver:  Silver denatures the enzyme involved with supplying oxygen to the microorganism.  This is powerful against bacteria, virus, and fungal infections.  Take 3 Tbsp of pure silver daily for 6 weeks to help kill of Candida.

8.      Apple Cider Vinegar:  This powerful vinegar is high in alkaline buffering minerals to help naturally alkalize.  It is also a great anti-septic that destroys infections on contact.  Put this on acne, fungal infections, hair (for dry skin/dandruff), and skin (excema).  Use it on food or dilute it with a Tbsp in a glass of water for alkalizing effects.

9.      Use Cloves:  Cloves have more anti-oxidants than anything else per volume.  They are also potent anti-fungals.  Use clove oil on fungal outbreaks on skin or take it orally.  Try 3 drops of clove oil in a glass of water, 2-3x day.

10.    Use Ginger:  Ginger is loaded with anti-oxidants and volatile oils that powerfully combat invading organisms.  Drink ginger tea throughout the day and put fresh or dried ginger in foods & shakes.    You can also use foods that are lacto-fermented with a ginger base.

11.      Maximize Your Nervous System:  Take great care of your body’s internal healing system.  Any sort of spinal stress and dysfunction damages the nervous system and interferes with the body’s natural healing abilities.  Be sure to keep good posture, maintain core strength, and seek out regular chiropractic adjustments.  Adjustments have been shown to increase immune function by over 200%, allowing the body to naturally rid itself of invading organisms.

12.      Keep Stress Levels Down:  High mental/emotional stress increases the release of the hormone cortisol.  High levels of cortisol suppress the immune system, allowing opportunistic infections to take hold.  Start your day with powerful anchors that empower you to be calm and collective under stress.  Minimize stressful interactions and take a break in your day to reengage yourself with positive affirmations, thoughts, & visions.

13.    Optimize Your Rest:  Your immune system does the majority of its best work at night while you are sleeping.  Be sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night and take a 10-15 minute powernap in the middle of the day to keep your immune system elevated.

14.     Exercise Daily:   Regular exercise helps to oxygenate the body more effectively.  It also revs up the immune system.  The most advanced form of exercise is high-intensitybursts that last a total of 5-15 minutes.  Try warming up for 5 mins and then sprinting for 30s followed by a 30s walk for 5-10 minutes.

15.    Colon Cleanse:  Try to completely cleanse your colon and liver with a 3-day vegetable juice fast that incorporates milk thistle, ginger, turmeric, oregano, garlic, lemon, and other powerful herbs.  Drink lots of water with lemon during this cleanse.

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